About the call:

Engaging your company’s board on ESG: Making the most of your time

Time and attention from your company’s highest leadership are precious commodities. How are you maximizing your opportunities with them? Join this leaders-only, confidential conversation to discuss:

  • Benchmarking on board engagement cadences and how we use our presentation time
  • Preparing materials and dashboards to keep them in the loop
  • Educating your board on baseline ESG subject matter knowledge
  • Adjusting to changing expectations and oversight structures

Very few people in your company get this level of visibility. Make sure you aren’t wasting it. Hear how other experienced senior leaders in jobs like yours are keeping their boards engaged with their ESG initiatives.

Who is joining the call

Only senior-level corporate ESG, social impact, and sustainability leaders at major corporations.

Brands attending (so far): ESG & CSR Board Members, plus invited guests.

Who is not on this call

No vendors, consultants, small businesses, job seekers, or salespeople.

Nobody will pitch you. Everyone is someone like you, with a job like yours, at a company like yours.

How to join the line:

Use this form to register for ESG & CSR Board's private, brands-only call on Tuesday, December 6th, at 3 PM ET.

Each week, ESG & CSR Board members hop on the phone for a real-time conversation about the hot topic on everyone's mind, a behind-the-scenes look at a member's program, or simply for a chance to pick each others' brains. These aren’t presentations or webinars — just great conversations among members. And because it’s confidential and vendor-free, you get much better information from people who’ve been there and done that.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Who will be on the call? A hand-selected group of ESG, social impact, and sustainability leaders from major companies.

Is it really brands only? Yes, every participant is hand-screened. Only people running social responsibility and environmental sustainability at major companies are allowed. No vendors, no salespeople, no sponsors.

Who is the ESG & CSR Board? We are a confidential, vendor-free membership organization for people leading ESG, social impact, and sustainability at the world’s biggest companies.

What happens after I register? We’ll reach out to set up a short conversation to prep you for the call. We do this for all participants, even if you’ve joined one of our calls in the past. We work hard to make this experience a valuable use of your time, and ensuring that all participants are prepped on the topic and understand how our conversations work is an important part of that process.

Do I have to join? Nope. This call is a sample discussion for non-members. But if you do join, our community has a conversation like this every week, and your inner circle of ESG, social impact, and sustainability leaders can participate.

Who is the presenter? Nobody! Everyone contributes. It’s a discussion, not a webinar. You’ll have a deep conversation with people who have jobs like yours at companies like yours.

Is it confidential? Yes, every participant agrees to keep the call confidential (and we ban observers, vendors, press, and analysts).

What’s with all these rules? All this structure is what makes our conversations so useful for busy executives. High value, little noise.