Join heads of DEI at billion-dollar companies like:
Information you can't get anywhere else.
The DEI Board is entirely confidential, so it's the only place where you can talk about the hard questions you face with a group of your trusted peers. Everyone here knows and understands the unique challenges you face leading diversity, equity, and inclusion. This is the community to benchmark your strategy and gain the support you need to do your job.
DEI leaders love this community!
Unbiased peer insights on your top challenges.
Discuss in real time with your peers about ERG governance, DEI goals for executives, crisis management, recruiting and retaining diverse talent, and more. When faced with limited resources, DEI Board members give you immediate insights to advance your strategies.
Prove the ROI of your diversity, equity, and inclusion strategy for business results.
Benchmark with DEI leaders on attributing your strategy's impact on the business and how your strategy improves workplace inclusion, increases the diverse talent pool, advances larger strategic goals, and creates equitable workplace practices.
Real-time benchmarking during crisis moments.
Get access to real-time benchmarking in crisis scenarios. Just last year, DEI Board members leaned on the community to develop responses to mass shootings and global social crises, navigate outcomes of Roe v. Wade overturning, manage risks of hate speech and discrimination, and more. Benchmark your decision tree templates and executive responses and gain access to polls of your peers' actions being shared within 24 hours of the crisis occurring -- plus ongoing support during the aftermath.
Membership is a resource multiplier – we'll help you do more with less.
In times like these, you’ll be asked to do more with less -- fewer resources, tighter budgets, smaller teams. Get access to real-world templates, frameworks, and resources that will help you skip steps and save time. Membership is like extending your team without adding headcount.