About this panel discussion:

Effective talent marketing and employer branding initiatives require consistent effort, regardless of hiring volumes.

It's crucial to maintain and even strengthen talent marketing initiatives to ensure readiness for future hiring surges. How can you keep your employer brand strong during hiring slowdowns?

Download our panel discussion for insights from heads of employer brand and recruitment marketing on:

  • Proving ROI of talent marketing to maintain essential resources
  • Leveraging internal resources for continued investment
  • Securing long-term leadership buy-in
  • Collaborating with business partners to achieve larger organizational goals

Talent marketing leaders in the panel:

Keshama Hart

Keshama Hart, Talent Sourcing and Diversity Recruiting Manager


Allison Amenta, VP, Head of Employer Brand Marketing

Len Abbazia

Len Abbazia, Associate Director of Recruitment Marketing

Meet the moderator:

Heather Glen

Heather Glen, Head of Human Resources
Executive Platforms

Talent Marketing Board members who are part of these conversations:

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